The July edition of The Elmbridge and Kingston Magazines sits down with The Scissor Sisters’ Anna Matronic, who reveals all!

Editor's Letter

WHO’D HAVE THOUGHT IT? ELMBRIDGE AND KINGSTON awash (literally) with rock stars?

Last month, despite the rain (and the hail!) Hampton Court throbbed to the likes of Simple Minds (See June’s edition for an interview with Jim Kerr), Bryan Adams and Westlife, and this month Sandown Park joins the party. 

Not only will Welsh legend Tom Jones perform (ladies, there’s still time to book – see What’s On for details), but our cover stars the Scissor Sisters are also set to take the racecourse by storm (keep your fingers crossed for this being of the musical variety only!) – don’t miss our revealing interview with Ana Matronic on p14–15.

Elsewhere in the magazine we celebrate the art of the numismatist – or coin making to you and me – as Catherine Whyte goes behind the scenes of the Pobjoy Mint, which produces, among other things, the official Gringotts money for all the Harry Potter films (p 20–21).

Hélene Parry meets Peter Jefferson, the voice of Radio 4’s Shipping Forecast, whose new book recalls his experiences and the science behind what has become something of an audio ritual; and finally, if you are to step out in style this month, don’t leave the house until you have read Dress Code (p38–39), where Victoria Bannerman waxes lyrical on the wonder of wedges.

Perfect attire for rock concerts – comfy, yet stylish, with built-in elevation… as long as it doesn’t rain.

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